A variety of different effector proteins interact specifically with GTP-bound Rab proteins and mediate their versatile roles in membrane trafficking, including budding of vesicles from a donor membrane, directed transport through the cell and finally ...
A variety of different effector proteins interact specifically with GTP-bound Rab proteins and mediate their versatile roles in membrane trafficking, including budding of vesicles from a donor membrane, directed transport through the cell and finally tethering and fusion with a target membrane. The 'bivalent Mical/EHBP Rab binding' (bMERB) domain is a Rab effector domain that is present in proteins of the Mical and EHBP families, both known to act in endosomal trafficking. The bMERB domain displays a preference for Rab8 family proteins (Rab8, 10, 13 and 15) and at least some of the bMERB domains contain two separate binding sites for Rab-proteins, allowing Micals and EHBPs to bind two Rabs simultaneously. The strong similarity between the two binding sites within one bMRB domain strongly suggests an evolutionarily development via duplication of a common ancestor supersecondary structure element. The bMERB domain has a completely alpha-helical fold consisting of a central helix and N- and C-terminal helices folding back on this central helix [1].
Includes sub-families Ras, Rab, Rac, Ral, Ran, Rap Ypt1 and more. Shares P-loop motif with GTP_EFTU, arf and myosin_head. See Pfam:PF00009 Pfam:PF00025, Pfam:PF00063. As regards Rab GTPases, these are important regulators of vesicle formation, motili ...
Includes sub-families Ras, Rab, Rac, Ral, Ran, Rap Ypt1 and more. Shares P-loop motif with GTP_EFTU, arf and myosin_head. See Pfam:PF00009 Pfam:PF00025, Pfam:PF00063. As regards Rab GTPases, these are important regulators of vesicle formation, motility and fusion. They share a fold in common with all Ras GTPases: this is a six-stranded beta-sheet surrounded by five alpha-helices [1].