This family represents the nuclease A inhibitor NuiA expressed by Anabaena sp (Swiss:Q44296) and similar bacterial proteins. This protein adopts an alpha+beta fold described as an 'open jaw', which shares some similarity to the PR-1-like fold [1]. Nu ...
This family represents the nuclease A inhibitor NuiA expressed by Anabaena sp (Swiss:Q44296) and similar bacterial proteins. This protein adopts an alpha+beta fold described as an 'open jaw', which shares some similarity to the PR-1-like fold [1]. NuiA regulates the activity of Nuclease A (NucA). The NucA inhibition by NuiA involves an unusual divalent metal ion bridge that connects the nuclease with its inhibitor. A highly conserved glutamate extends into the active site, mimicking the charge of a phosphate. In addition, a second interaction site located on one of the two 'jaws' of the NuiA structure, contribute to the specificity and strength of the NuiA-NucA interaction [2].