Meet the RCSB PDB at ACA
From July 7-11, RCSB PDB will be at the ACA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD. ACA is the Structural Science Society.
Presentations and activities will include:
- Friday July 7 - Monday July 10: RCSB PDB Exhibit Booth #112. Stop by to say hello and learn about the latest RCSB PDB news
- Saturday July 8: Meet Biocurator Gregg Crichlow at his poster Growing the PDB Core Archive Using ORCiD Login for Depositing 3D Biostructures with OneDep (#165)
- Sunday July 9: Hear Scientific Training, Education, and Documentation Lead Shuchi Dutta describe Developing Training and Educational Resources in Biomolecular Structural Biology for Diverse Audiences in the session "DEI: expanding access & opportunities in structural science" (8:30-11:30am, Kent AC)
- Also on Sunday: Listen to Biocurator Sutapa Ghosh's presentation on Growth of the PDB Archive Requires Transition to PDBx/mmCIF Format Files in the session "Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Other Data Science Techniques Applied to Structure Determination, materials characterization, experiment control and data analysis" (2:00-5:00pm, Laurel CD)
- Monday July 10: Director Stephen K. Burley co-chairs the session on "Structural Genomics: Past, Present and Future" with David Rose (8:30-11:30am, Laurel CD)
- Also on Monday: Listen to Scientific Software Developer Chenghua Shao's presentation on Validation and Quality Assessment for Small-Molecule Ligands in the Protein Data Bank in the session "Validating models from the data, other data, and theory In Validating models from the data, other data, and theory" (8:30-11:30am, Laurel CD)
- Tuesday July 11: Stephen Burley presents Economics of Biodata Archiving Viewed Through the Lens of the RCSB Protein Data Bank in the session "The Economics of Structural Science, in Memory of Carlos Murillo" (8:30-11:30am, Kent AC)
The RCSB PDB Poster Prize will also be awarded to recognize a student poster presentation.