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QUERY: Structure Author = "Holt, S." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 5 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateSymmetry Type | 1 to 5 of 5 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Crystal structure of EcThsA in ligand-free stateShi, Y., Masic, V., Mosaiab, T., Goulart, C.C., Hartley-Tassell, L., Sorbello, M., Vasquez, V., Mishra, B.P., Holt, S., Gu, W., Kobe, B., Ve, T. (2024) Sci Adv 10: eadn3310-eadn3310
Crystal structure of EcThsA in complex with ADPRShi, Y., Masic, V., Mosaiab, T., Goulart, C.C., Hartley-Tassell, L., Sorbello, M., Vasquez, E., Mishra, B.P., Holt, S., Gu, W., Kobe, B., Ve, T. (2024) Sci Adv 10: eadn3310-eadn3310
Crystal structure of PcThsA in complex with Imidazole Adenine DinucleotideShi, Y., Masic, V., Mosaiab, T., Goulart, C.C., Hartley-Tassell, L., Sorbello, M., Vasquez, E., Mishra, B.P., Holt, S., Gu, W., Kobe, B., Ve, T. (2024) Sci Adv 10: eadn3310-eadn3310
Crystal structure of EcThsB2Shi, Y., Masic, V., Mosaiab, T., Goulart, C.C., Hartley-Tassell, L., Sorbello, M., Vasquez, E., Mishra, B.P., Holt, S., Gu, W., Kobe, B., Ve, T. (2024) Sci Adv 10: eadn3310-eadn3310
Crystal Structure of the Hendra Virus Attachment G glycoprotein (HeV-G)Ve, T., von Itzstein, M.S., Winger, M., Malde, A.K., Holt, S., McAtamney, S., Hartley-Tassell, L., Maggioni, A., von Itzstein, M. To be published
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