Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismMore... Refinement Resolution (Å)Enzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein Annotation | Hallberg, B.M., Bergfors, T., Backbro, K., Divne, C. (2000) Structure 8: 79-88 Released | 2000-10-18 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.9 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | 1PG, CD, HEM | Unique branched monosaccharides | BMA, NAG |
Hallberg, B.M., Bergfors, T., Backbro, K., Divne, C. (2000) Structure 8: 79-88 Released | 2000-10-18 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.9 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | 1PG, CD, HEM | Unique branched monosaccharides | BMA, NAG |
Hallberg, B.M., Bergfors, T., Backbro, K., Divne, C. (2000) Structure 8: 79-88 Released | 2000-10-18 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.9 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | 1PG, CD, HEM | Unique branched monosaccharides | BMA, MAN, NAG |
Hallberg, B.M., Henriksson, G., Pettersson, G., Divne, C. (2002) J Mol Biology 315: 421-434 Released | 2002-11-13 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.5 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | 6FA, EMT, HG, MAN, NAG, UNX |
Campanacci, V., Lartigue, A., Hallberg, B.M., Jones, T.A., Giudici-Orticoni, M.T., Tegoni, M., Cambillau, C. (2003) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100: 5069-5074 Released | 2003-04-01 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.8 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | BDD |
Campanacci, V., Lartigue, A., Hallberg, B.M., Jones, T.A., Giudici-Orticoni, M.T., Tegoni, M., Cambillau, C. (2003) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100: 5069-5074 Released | 2003-04-01 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.39 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | BDD |
Hallberg, B.M., Henriksson, G., Pettersson, G., Vasella, A., Divne, C. (2003) J Biological Chem 278: 7160-7166 Released | 2003-01-14 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.8 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | 6FA, ABL, NAG |
Arand, M., Hallberg, B.M., Zou, J., Bergfors, T., Oesch, F., van der Werf, M.J., de Bont, J.A.M., Jones, T.A., Mowbray, S.L. (2003) EMBO J 22: 2583-2592 Released | 2003-06-10 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.75 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | MES, VPR |
Arand, M., Hallberg, B.M., Zou, J., Bergfors, T., Oesch, F., van der Werf, M.J., de Bont, J.A.M., Jones, T.A., Mowbray, S.L. (2003) EMBO J 22: 2583-2592 Released | 2003-06-10 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.2 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | HPN, MES |
Rotsaert, F.A.J., Hallberg, B.M., de Vries, S., Moenne-Loccoz, P., Divne, C., Gold, M.H. (2003) J Biological Chem 278: 33224-33231 Released | 2003-07-01 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.9 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | 1PG, CD, HEM | Unique branched monosaccharides | NAG |
Zou, J.-Y., Hallberg, B.M., Bergfors, T., Oesch, F., Arand, M., Mowbray, S.L., Jones, T.A. (2000) Structure 8: 111 Released | 2000-02-10 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.8 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | |
Hallberg, B.M., Ogg, D., Ehn, M., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Kotenyova, T., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nordlund, P., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Schuler, H., Stenmark, P., Thorsell, A.-G., Arrowsmith, C., Edwards, A., Sundstrom, M., Weigelt, J., Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) To be published Released | 2005-07-19 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.6 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | I3P |
Stenmark, P., Kursula, P., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Kotenyova, T., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nordlund, P., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Schuler, H., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A., Weigelt, J. (2011) Nat Chem Biol 7: 950 Released | 2005-09-02 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.15 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | IMP |
Kursula, P., Stenmark, P., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Flodin, S., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Holmberg Schiavone, L., Kotenyova, T., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Schuler, H., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., Van Den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Nordlund, P. To be published Released | 2005-10-24 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.65 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | SO4, TAM |
Kursula, P., Stenmark, P., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Kotenyova, T., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Schuler, H., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A., Weigelt, J., Nordlund, P. (2011) Nat Chem Biol 7: 950 Released | 2005-11-30 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.7 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | IMP, NDP |
Stenmark, P., Kursula, P., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Flodin, S., Flores, A., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Hogbom, M., Holmberg Schiavone, L., Kotenyova, T., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nyman, T., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Schuler, H., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., van den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Nordlund, P. (2007) J Biological Chem 282: 3182 Released | 2006-01-04 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.09 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | |
Stenmark, P., Hogbom, M., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Collins, R., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Flodin, S., Flores, A., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Holmberg Schiavone, L., Kotenyova, T., Magnusdottir, A., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nyman, T., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., Van Den Berg, S., Wallden, K., Weigelt, J., Nordlund, P. (2008) Proteins 73: 1047 Released | 2006-05-04 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.9 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | |
Wallden, K., Stenmark, P., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Collins, R., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Flodin, S., Flores, A., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hallberg, B.M., Holmberg Schiavone, L., Hogbom, M., Kotenyova, T., Magnusdottir, A., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nyman, T., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., Uppenberg, J., Van Den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Welin, M., Nordlund, P. (2007) J Biological Chem 282: 17828 Released | 2006-06-12 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.67 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | |
Kursula, P., Thorsell, A.G., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Flodin, S., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Holmberg Schiavone, L., Kotenyova, T., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nordlund, P., Nyman, T., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Stenmark, P., Sundstrom, M., van den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Hallberg, B.M., Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) To be published Released | 2005-12-13 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.5 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | |
Hallberg, B.M., Ogg, D., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Flodin, S., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hogbom, M., Holmberg-Schiavone, L., Kotenyova, T., Kursula, P., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nordlund, P., Nyman, T., Sagemark, J., Stenmark, P., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., Van Den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Persson, C. To be published Released | 2006-02-07 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.9 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | 3DP, SO4 |
Hallberg, B.M., Kursula, P., Ogg, D., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Edwards, A., Ehn, M., Flodin, S., Graslund, S., Hammarstrom, M., Hogbom, M., Holmberg-Schiavone, L., Kotenyova, T., Nilsson-Ehle, P., Nordlund, P., Nyman, T., Sagemark, J., Stenmark, P., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., van den Berg, S., Weigelt, J., Persson, C., Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) (2009) Proteins 77: 242-246 Released | 2006-03-11 | Method | X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.25 Å | Organisms | | Macromolecule | | Unique Ligands | CL, IHP, SO4 |