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QUERY: Structure Author = "Valentin Gese, G." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 18 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry Type | 1 to 18 of 18 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Crystal structure of the eukaryotic ribosome associated complex (RAC), a unique Hsp70/Hsp40 pairGumiero, A., Weyer, F.A., Valentin Gese, G., Lapouge, K., Sinning, I. (2017) Nat Struct Mol Biol 24: 144-151
Crystal structure of the RAC core with a pseudo substrate bound to Ssz1 SBDValentin Gese, G., Lapouge, K., Kopp, J., Sinning, I. (2020) Nat Commun 11: 1504-1504
Human mitochondrial ribosome large subunit assembly intermediate with MTERF4-NSUN4, MRM2, MTG1, the MALSU module, GTPBP5 and mtEF-TuValentin Gese, G., Hallberg, B.M. (2021) Nat Commun 12: 3673-3673
Human mitochondrial ribosome large subunit assembly intermediate with MTERF4-NSUN4, MRM2, MTG1 and the MALSU moduleValentin Gese, G., Hallberg, B.M. (2021) Nat Commun 12: 3673-3673
Human mitochondrial Lon protease with substrate in the ATPase domainValentin Gese, G., Shahzad, S., Hallberg, B.M. To be published
Human mitochondrial Lon protease without substrateValentin Gese, G., Shahzad, S., Hallberg, B.M. To be published
Human mitochondrial Lon protease with substrate in the ATPase and protease domainsValentin Gese, G., Shahzad, S., Hallberg, B.M. To be published
CryoEM structure of the human Nucleophosmin 1 coreValentin Gese, G., Hallberg, B.M. (2023) PNAS Nexus 2: pgac303-pgac303
mt-SSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 1Valentin Gese, G., Cipullo, M., Rorbach, J., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) Nat Commun 15: 5664-5664
mt-SSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 2Valentin Gese, G., Cipullo, M., Rorbach, J., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) Nat Commun 15: 5664-5664
mt-SSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 3Valentin Gese, G., Cipullo, M., Rorbach, J., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) Nat Commun 15: 5664-5664
mt-SSU in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 4Valentin Gese, G., Cipullo, M., Rorbach, J., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) Nat Commun 15: 5664-5664
mt-LSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 1Valentin Gese, G., Cipullo, M., Rorbach, J., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) Nat Commun 15: 5664-5664
mt-LSU assembly intermediate in GTPBP8 knock-out cells, state 2Valentin Gese, G., Cipullo, M., Rorbach, J., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) Nat Commun 15: 5664-5664
Human mitochondrial RNase Z with tRNA-HisValentin Gese, G., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) EMBO J 43: 6573-6590
Human mitochondrial RNase Z with tRNA-His precursorValentin Gese, G., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) EMBO J 43: 6573-6590
Human mitochondrial RNase Z with tRNA-His-CCAValentin Gese, G., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) EMBO J 43: 6573-6590
Human mitochondrial RNase Z with tRNA-His-CCA, SDR5C1/TRMT10C focusValentin Gese, G., Hallberg, B.M. (2024) EMBO J 43: 6573-6590
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